After a slow start (could NOT get out of the house this morning), I missed the first half of the first talk I wanted to go to, "From Buffy to the X-Men: Female Comic Book Superheroes in Women's Poetry." The Q&A had already started when I got there. Too bad, because it sounded from that portion like it was probably an interesting reading. I spoke with the author for a bit afterwards, was supposed to stop in at her booth later, but missed her. I'll definitely be getting her book, though.
As it turns out, the speaker from yesterday's panel (Jennifer Stuller, Ink-Stained Amazons...) seems to be a friend of hers, and I ended up talking a bit with both of them. Stuller asked me to email directions to this place (we were talking Dollhouse). I'll try to do that before I chicken out. I did warn her, though, that the review is spoiler-heavy, and she'll probably have forgotten about it by the time she watches the show (she's planning to watch before Slayage, in June)...
PS - How is it that I'm just finding out that there are Buffy/Whedon conferences?!

Anyway, went to that talk, then went back to the exhibit hall to find a little thing I wanted to get for my brother. Also passed by a booth where I'd seen a picture that I liked, thought I'd buy the card version. They only had the particular picture I wanted on small gift tags, as part of a set, but they were nice enough to sell me just those (for $1, which is definitely in my price range).
Also saw some more fun peeps at the autograph tables:
And then it was time for the screening/singalong of "Once More With Feeling" Lots of fun, though the crowd was actually a bit quieter than I'd expected.
I forget how good that episode is - it was good to see it again, and a fitting final event for Wondercon 2010.
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