Tonight's chicken and waffles were a totally homemade affair - M. cooked up fabulous waffles and I fried chicken. I even did the crazy buttermilk thing this time. It all came out very well, if I do say so myself :) I think it's safe to say that we ate the hell out of that chicken. I forgot to take pictures of the before, but there's proof of the carnage.
For the movie part of our evening, we watched Hitchcock's "Rear Window." I've written a review, so will just say here that it was SO VERY STRESSFUL (the mark of a good thriller) and I'm glad I finally saw it.
In other news, someone (not me) might have finally bitten off more than he can chew. More on that anon. I'm off now to get not enough sleep before a long day tomorrow. By which I mean today. Yeesh.
PS - Here is a very funny note that K. wrote to M. Or, should I say that M. found this note and, while K. is the prime suspect, the signature is not his.
Love it :)
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